Karis Church is passionate about church membership. We believe the best way you can experience Biblical community is by living as a committed member of a church family. Here's how you can become a member of Karis:

1. Attend Karis Intro

Once a month we offer Karis Intro, an informational lunch to learn more about our vision as a church, how to get connected, and how to become part of the church family as a member. Karis Intro is the primary starting point to getting connected with Karis, but it is also the first step of the membership process where you can express your interest in becoming a member so that we can get you connected to the next step.

2. Complete Our Online Membership Course

We have created an online membership course through MinistryGrid with videos and resources to fully share what Karis is about, why we exist as a church, and how we hope to spread the gospel to our city and the world around us. You'll learn more about what we believe and walk through our member affirmation, as well as dive deeper into the three facets of our vision statement: gospel, community, and mission. You’ll also submit a brief membership application after completing the course. You’ll be able to complete the course at your own pace, and we’ve designed it in such a way that you can start and stop as needed as you go about your daily activities!

If you have previously attended Karis Intro and are now interested in beginning the online membership course, email us to get access to the course!

3. Be interviewed by a Karis elder

After completing the Karis membership course, we’ll schedule a time with you to sit down for a membership interview with an elder of Karis. It's not as formal as it might sound; it's more like a private conversation with our elders. Our elders truly enjoy these interviews as it helps us deepen the relationships we’ve begun building with each person who will be part of our family. This process will be further explained in the membership course.

4. Be introduced to the church

Upon approval by the elders, you will be presented to the congregation during a Sunday Gathering! A brief introduction and prayer will be followed by cheers and applause as you are formally welcomed into the family of Karis Church.

We can't wait to welcome you into the family! Are you ready to start the process? You can always find the next Karis Intro on our Events page!