Common Ground Lecture: "Race and Jesus"


raceandjesus-01 (1) As Christians, we aren't called to hide from injustice or to shy away from hard conversations. Instead, we're called to stand up for others and speak out boldly in truth.

The Common Ground Lecture Series aims to find points of intersection between the church and the community. In the past we've discussed human trafficking and the role of family support in schools.

Our next conversation will center on racial tension and Gospel-driven possibilities for reconciliation. Join us for "Race and Jesus," the next installment of the Common Ground Lecture Series on Sunday, October 4, at 7:00 p.m. at the Imago Gallery & Cultural Center, 1020 East Broadway.

The event will comprise a panel discussion featuring Pastor Russ Pflasterer of City Fellowship Baptist Church in Jackson, TN, Pastor Clyde Ruffin of Second Missionary Baptist Church in Columbia, and Bishop Lorenzo Lawson of Chosen Generation Ministries in Columbia. Karis Church’s Lead Pastor, Kevin Larson, will serve as moderator.

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