An update from Eric Papp
Cidade de Deus (City of God), a neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Rio is a city with significant social needs. I believe the Gospel calls us to minister to such needs. We are praying for opportunities to have regular outreach in the neighborhood of Cidade de Deus. "Neighborhood" doesn't really give it justice, though, because at 40,000 it more than doubles the city I grew up in. It's a large community divided into many areas. Portelinha is an area we have been working in and it is where we want to establish a more permanent ministry. All of the houses there are made of some combination of plywood, corrugated metal, sheets of plastic and cardboard.
We have hosted mission trips here, done Vacation Bible School with children in the community, preached on the weekends, but are praying for more. A few weeks ago we did a survey in a section of Portelinha called Caminho do Céu (Way to Heaven). We asked questions to help evaluate some of the needs of people in that community. We asked what type of housing people have, if they live in an area of risk or conflict, socioeconomic questions, and also asked about their health and spirituality. None of the families we talked to have flushable toilets. Many only have bucket showers, little access to running water, and there is only one small trash can for the entire street.
We are going to continue the survey with more families in Cidade de Deus in the coming weeks. We hope that the data we get will help us determine how to best serve this community in ways that will make a lasting impact. Our church is committed to mercy ministry and it has been a blessing to work alongside them as we search for ways to love our neighbors in word and deed.
Learning Portuguese...Portuguese is difficult. I am able to communicate more and I am understanding quite a bit now. This is helping me to start building relationships with people. I look forward to being able to share the gospel in Portuguese someday soon.
Building the mercy ministry side of Restore Brazil. Next year I hope to take over the responsibilities of our mercy ministry which involves planning and hosting mission teams, and developing our social outreaches.
Raising monthly financial support that will enable me to serve here as a long term missionary. Living in this part of the world is very expensive.
These seem like huge hurdles, but I trust that God will provide for these things. Your prayers, encouragement, and support help me step forward in faith with opportunities like these.
Much love from Brazil, Eric Papp
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You can give online securely at: Click “Continue to online giving” Under “Select a Fund” choose: Eric Papp – Missionary to Brazil Online donations are tax-deductible, fast, and easy. If you would like to give systematically (monthly) please talk with me and I can help get that set up.
To make a tax-deductible donation, make checks payable to “Karis Church” with “Papp – Brazil” in the memo. Mail to P.O. Box 572, Columbia, MO, 65205.