Good Friday

Today we celebrate Good Friday. The day that Jesus was crucified. The day that Jesus paid for all the wrath and destruction we deserve, now those who would place their faith him no longer have to…because it’s all been absorbed. Japan doesn’t know that truth. They don’t know the freedom found in Christ. They don’t experience anything except bondage to their sin and to the extreme social pressures they face each day.

As I celebrate the amazing story of Jesus and what He’s accomplished, my heart and mind are with the local church in Japan. May they share this wonderful truth, this good news with those who have never heard.

Please pray for Japan. May they one day know of and rejoice in the great sacrifice Jesus made.


If you want to support our trip this May 20-28 you can give here: be sure to select the “Karis Japan” fund as the option you wish to donate toward.

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