Acts 29 Quarterly Recap
As I mentioned yesterday, I had a super time at the Acts 29 Regional Quarterly this week. These have always been Tuesday workshops, but, for the first time, they also invited lead planters up the day before for some shepherding time. I met approximately 10 other planters, along with Darrin Patrick and Jonathan McIntosh, at the Journey. We then spent about an hour and a half just throwing out questions and concerns with the older, wiser guys, like Darrin, as well as planter John Ryan, speaking truth into those situations. We then broke up into groups of three and took this to another level in terms of depth. I continue to be impressed and thankful for the heart of Acts 29 planters to start healthy, gospel-centered churches. As I've said numerous times, all the guys throwing stones in Missouri are throwing them at the wrong guys! These are men after God's heart that stand strong for the gospel and against compromise of any stripe. We ended the evening eating pizza out as a group. It was a fabulous time of fellowship. On Tuesday, I was joined at the actual workshop by Luke, Rob, and Jeremy. This was by far the best one I've attended. Darrin began by teaching on leadership, and he gave numerous helpful nuggets of wisdom on how to lead church plants. After a great lunch, Anthony Bradley, a professor at Covenant Seminary in St. Louis, gave an amazing talk on ministering to men. This was the best message on that topic I've heard. I can't wait to link to it when it comes available. I'm thankful and privileged to be a part of Acts 29.