January Preaching at Karis

We are continuing our walk through the book of Luke at Karis Community Church.  By God's grace, I am a part of a congregation where, as one visiting pastor observed, I'm not expected to do everything.  There is true lay involvement.  Others carry the load-- even in the preaching.  As Columbia becomes a bit of a ghost-town during January, I've chosen this month to allow some other men to step into the pulpit.  Scott Ratliff, a Karis elder, has preached the last two Sundays.  Jeremy Linneman, a gifted young man who will start interning with us February 1st, will preach this Sunday.  Scott will finish out the January break for me by preaching again on Sunday, January 20th.  I am grateful for these gifted men.  I have labored to focus on "big picture" planning, as well as just seeking the Lord in prayer during this month.  It is my desire that these weeks out of the pulpit will have the dual benefit of blessing and encouraging these young men (as well as the congregation through them) and reinvigorating me for a new year of ministry.  You can listen to their sermons, as they come available, here.