Sunday, June 18 - Lyrics
Verse 1
The King of all Creation, set aside His crown
A servant to the fathers love, descended from his throne above
Author of Salvation. giver of new life
Crucified to pay for sin. Our righteousness is in the name of
Jesus! Every heart and tongue
confess your name above all names
All things of this earth belong to you,
forever You will reign
Verse 2
God of Resurrection, conqueror of death
Ruler over everything, the Lord of lords and King of kings is
Highly exalted is the name, of Jesus Christ
Heaven and earth declare all praise, to Jesus Christ
Shine Into Our Night
Verse 1
We are not what we should be.
We haven’t sought what we should seek
We’ve seen Your glory Lord, but looked away
Our hearts are bent, our eyes are dim.
Our finest works are stained with sin
And emptiness has shadowed all our ways
Jesus Christ, shine into our night.
Drive our dark away, til Your glory fills our eyes
Jesus Christ, shine into our night
Bind us to Your cross, where we find life
Verse 2
Still we often go astray.
We chase the world, forget Your grace
But You have never failed to bring us back
Reveal the depths of what You’ve done.
The death You died, the victory won
You made a way for us to know Your love
Mighty to Save
Verse 1
Everyone needs compassion, love thatʼs never failing.
Let mercy fall on me
Everyone needs forgiveness, the kindness of savior,
the hope of nations
Savior he can move the mountains
My God is mighty to save, He is mighty to save
Forever, author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave, Jesus conquered the grave
Verse 2
So take me as you find me, all my fears and failures,
fill my life again
I give my life to follow, everything I believe in,
now I surrender
Shine your light and let the whole world see
Weʼre singing for the glory of the risen King, Jesus
You Have Searched Me
Verse 1
You have searched me, and known my heart.
Before I spoke, you knew my every thought
The wonder of Your knowledge is far too high for me to understand.
You knew I'd leave your side
And cower in the cover of the night.
But there’s no place I could hide, from the mercy of your light.
Chorus 1
Your kindness leads me to repentance.
Your grace assures me to trust in You
Verse 2
I could climb up, into the sky
Or dive down deep, where darkest evil lies
I’ll never find a place to flee.
Your presence is always where I am.
You never leave my side
Even when I fight to get my way, you patiently disarm
My defenses with your grace
Chorus 2
Your kindness leads me to repentance.
Your grace assures me to trust in You
Faithful savior, You restore me.
My life is Yours, I belong to You
Search my heart and examine my thoughts.
Shine Your light, I can’t hide in the dark
Give me faith, to respond when You call.
Search my heart
Be Thou My Vision
Verse 1
Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart.
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best thought, by day or by night.
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.
Verse 2
Be Thou my wisdom, and Thou my true Word
I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord
Thou my great Father, and I Thy true son
Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.
Verse 3
Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise,
Thou mine inheritance, now and always
Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,
High king of heaven, my treasure Thou art
Verse 4
High king of heaven, my victory won,
may I reach heaven’s joys, O bright heaven’s sun!
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
still be my vision, O ruler of all
All The Poor And Powerless
Verse 1
All the poor and powerless, and all the lost and lonely,
And all the thieves will come confess
and know that You are holy, and know that You are holy
Chorus 1
And all will sing out, Hallelujah!
And we will cry out, Hallelujah!
Verse 2
All the hearts who are content and all who feel unworthy
And all who hurt with nothing left, will know that You are holy
Shout it Go on and scream it from the mountains
Go on and tell it to the masses, that He is God
Chorus 2
And we will sing out, Hallelujah!
And we will cry out, Hallelujah
We will sing out, Hallelujah, God!