Can you help Karis Church provide school supplies to local children?

School will be back in session soon and Karis Church has offered to help our neighbors attending local schools by providing much-needed supplies for families short on funds. These supplies will be collected by Amy Larson and distributed during the CPS Back to School Bash at West Middle School, all we have to do is go shopping!

Karis Church, can you help us by picking up a few items for local school children and dropping them off in the Ridgeway Lobby?

Deadline for donations is August 8th, so if you plan on dropping off donations at our Ridgeway Building on a Sunday, your last day to do so would be August 4th. Any donations after the 4th will need to be coordinated with Amy Larson prior to the 8th of August.

  • Needed Items List:

    • Notebooks

    • Pencils

    • Scissors

    • Glue sticks

    • Folders

    • Crayons

    • Markers

    • Notebook paper

    • Dry erase markers

    • Colored pencils

    • Pens

    We are so grateful for your support! Please drop off any donated items near the auditorium doors on the table under the announcements television.

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