Our Final Sunday at 1703 West Worley

You may have heard that Karis has signed the papers on a new building location. We are so excited about this new chapter in the story of our church!

This Sunday will be a day of preparation and celebration for our congregation. October 28th is the last time that Karis will meet on 1703 West Worley Street for Sunday worship. We will meet for both the 9 a.m. and the 11 a.m. Gatherings, but will not offer Karis Kids this Sunday. This allows our volunteers time to pack up classrooms and prepare for the move. The order of worship during both Gatherings will be family-friendly with lots of music and short sermons.

For those who would like to know more about the upcoming move, an informational meeting will take place after the second Gathering at 606 Ridgeway Avenue (the former home of Calvary Baptist Church). Karis will provide a catered lunch in the activities building on the property beginning at 12:30 p.m. Please register if you plan on eating lunch so that we can have enough food for everyone.

In addition to lunch, our elders are offering the option of two identical meetings, as well as guided building tours. We hope that offering multiple options for meetings and tours will allow parents with small kids to take turns touring the building while their children nap at home. All tours and meetings will finish by 3 p.m.

Below you will find a full schedule for October 28th. We look hope to see you this Sunday and we look forward to putting down roots in our new neighborhood!

Sunday, October 28th

1703 West Worley Street

9 a.m. Sunday Gathering (No Karis Kids)

11 a.m. Sunday Gathering (No Karis Kids)

606 Ridgeway Avenue

12: 30 p.m. Catered Lunch (Activities Building, register if you plan on attending lunch)

1:00 p.m. Guided Tour Option 1 (Led by Rob Gaskin, tours begin at the front door of the activities building)

1:30 p.m. Guided Tour Option 2

1:30 p.m. Informational Meeting Option 1 (Led by Kevin Larson, meets in the auditorium of the main building)

2:00 p.m. Guided Tour Option 3

2:30 pm. Informational Meeting Option 2

2:30 p.m. Guided Tour Option 4

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