Karis Church

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How to Get Involved with Safe Families

Safe Families for Children is a ministry partner of Karis Church. Read the blog below written by a Karis member who volunteers with Safe Families.

What is Safe Families and How Karis Can Serve ​in Meeting the Needs of Vulnerable Families

My name is Carly Ogan and I am part of the Karis Safe Families Ministry Team and am a Host Family with my husband Matt. I wanted to take some time to explain what Safe Families is, how Karis is involved, and the different roles that you can play to meet the needs of vulnerable families in our community.

What Safe Families is:

Safe Families for Children surrounds vulnerable families in crisis with caring, compassionate community. The goal of Safe Families is to create a world where children are safe, and families are transformed through this community. It is a volunteer-driven nonprofit that provides support and hope to families in our local community through the local church. We meet the needs of families in crisis through an array of volunteer roles and resources. This is done through short-term hostings of vulnerable children and creating long-term relationships with parents and families. There are many roles needed to bless the children and families that come into our care as well as the volunteer host families. Although not all families can commit to hosting a child, there are multiple roles that church members can consider. As the body of Christ, there is an opportunity for MC members to pool their time, energy, and God-given gifts together to bless community members in need. For example, one family in the MC might host children, as other MC members serve as resource friends and family coaches to wrap around the host family and family in need. This is the vision of Safe Families.

Ways to get Involved:

  • HOST FAMILY: Voluntarily host children in your home on a temporary basis. Establish regular contact with parent during hosting, including phone calls and visit.

  • FAMILY FRIEND TO HOST FAMILY: Encourage and support host families by providing babysitting, meals, transportation, etc.

  • FAMILY FRIEND TO REFERRING PARENT: Provide additional support through mentoring, transportation, life skills, etc.

  • FAMILY COACH: Serve as a liaison between the Host Family and Referring Parent; ensure safety of children while in care; encourage and support Host Families and Referring Parents.

  • RESOURCE FRIEND: Assist Host Families and Referring Families with goods and services they made need (e.g., cribs, clothing, strollers, daycare, mechanical work, etc.)

  • ADVISORY BOARD: Serve as an ambassador for the mission of Safe Families; make connections in the community to share about Safe Families and recruit volunteers; be a part of implementing Safe Families in Mid-Missouri.

  • MINISTRY LEAD: Point person for Safe Families at your church. Act as a liaison between SFFC volunteers and Bethany staff. Help promote SFFC and recruit volunteers at your church.

  • CHURCH MINISTRY TEAM: Work alongside Ministry Lead to share vision and mission at local church in order to recruit more volunteers.

  • PRAYER SUPPORT TEAM: Pray for the ministry of Safe Families; intercede for all those involved during a hosting.

For more information, please contact any of your Karis Safe Family Ministry Team members:

Lucy Bromer: lbromer@bethany.org

Josh Bromer: joshuabromer@gmail.com

Carly Ogan: carlygogan@gmail.com

Mary Eschenbaugh: maryeschenbach@gmail.com

Kelly Mitchell: kellymtchll@gmail.com

Jacob Mitchell: jacobmtchll@gmail.com