Join our Family: Membership Class Coming in August
Karis Church is passionate about church membership. God wants you to live in Biblical community, and we believe the only way you can experience that is by living as a committed member of a church family. Coming to the Karis Membership Class is the first step toward membership.
The next Karis Membership Class will be held on Sunday, August 23rd, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. This will in fact be the last of our current all-day format before we transition to a new style in September.
When we get closer to the date of the class, registrants will be informed of the format of the class, either online or in person. We'll consider the current public health status, and the number of people who register to attend.
In the event class will be held in person, no childcare can be offered at this time, unfortunately. To register, click here.