Grow Deeper with Karis Church

One way the Lord has used Karis Church is in developing kingdom leaders. We're always looking for ways to improve the ways we equip budding leaders in our church. We're excited about our leadership development lineup for this fall. Maybe you don't see yourself as a leader. Meanwhile, you're influencing people all around you all the time. The Lord also might just want to take you further than you'd imagine. 

Lead School

Desire to grow deeper theologically? Karis Lead School will meet twice a month this year on Sunday nights beginning September 11th at Karis Westside (1703 W. Worley). First, join us as we walk through 20 essential truths every believer should know and enjoy. Various Karis Church elders and teachers will guide us through one truth each session. We'll utilize this resource by Wayne Grudem. You can buy it and read along if you'd like. We'll even provide optional readings in his larger theology text. There is also an additional workbook that is highly recommended. However, no outside reading is required. Some will come to every session and do all of the reading. Others will come only occasionally as they can. It's up to you. Get ready to grow.

But that's not all. Second, each Lead School session will include two blocks - one from 6-7 and one from 7-8. Come to both of them or just one. Again, it's up to you. However, that second block will include some more practical topics that may interest you (although those theological topics are HIGHLY practical, let the reader understand). We'll cover things like:

  • Gospel-Centered Health and Fitness
  • Communication and Conflict in Marriage
  • Biblical Accountability Relationships
  • Managing Your Money
  • Leading Your Little Ones to Jesus
  • Are There Many Ways to God?
  • Jesus and Our Jobs
  • Glorifying God in Singlehood
  • Christ and Culture
  • and much, much more!

This will be an exciting year of going deeper in the gospel. We're also doing everything we can to set up childcare for parents this year. Let us know if you'd utilize that. Contact Rachelle Cox for more information.


Karis Church will again launch Porterbrook cohorts this fall. Porterbrook Learning is a fantastic in-church, missional-theological curriculum developed by friends in the United Kingdom. God has used Porterbrook to develop and deepen leaders in our church for almost ten years. We can't recommend it highly enough. You can learn more about it here. We are eligible for a fantastic Acts 29 discount. There will be at least one women's and one men's cohort this fall. Contact Timothy Hixon for more information.


You've asked for this for years, and it's finally coming. Karis Church is launching its first Biblical Greek class. This will equip budding Bible preachers and teachers to understand the New Testament's language and utilize it in their study. The class is free. You'll just need to purchase Mounce's textbook and workbook. We'll meet at the Karis offices downtown on Tuesdays at 6:30 a.m. As you'd imagine, learning a language takes significant commitment. However, we are spreading out what's often a semester class over a full year, so that will make it more manageable. Contact Timothy Hixon again for more info.

Want more information about Karis and leadership development. Email here for more information.