A Day with Soma Fuchu

We got up this morning and met with the MC leaders of Soma Fuchu. We spent some time in prayer with them. Yoshi then led the group in some discussion about the church's vision and the upcoming year.  

We then had lunch as a group at the cafeteria of the nearby agricultural college. It was actually quite good. Timothy, Drew, and I then returned to the Glosson crib for a break. Timothy and I then went back into downtown Fuchu where he and I did some exploring. We navigated the bus system and train system quite well, I'll say, although I have to give Timothy most of the credit. We made it to Pastor Yoshi's home for their MC gathering without Drew and Meg's help. 

There we ate a delicious Japanese meal called gyudon (meat and onions on rice). Yoshi led the group in a study through Soma's  "The Story Formed Way." It was a really great time. 

Tomorrow, we are going to take a shopping excursion into the city. Sunday, we will spend the day with the Soma Fuchu family. We are so blessed to be here.  
