Gathering Recap: 04.05.09

Sunday was a fabulous Gathering at Karis.  Luke Daugherty, Karis's Pastor for Worship and Mission, was back in the saddle.  I returned to preach from Luke 12:13-21.  This week, we launched a mini-series within the larger "Jesus in the Margins" series entitled "The Almighty {and the} Dollar."  We're going to group up all the money passages in Luke and take them on, one by one, for 9 weeks.  This past Sunday, we saw that, if we're being formed by the gospel, we will be focused on the gospel in our finances.  We won't hoard our possessions. Sunday's Songs:

  1. "Come and Sing" (Sojourn)
  2. "Raise Up The Crown" (Traditional/Tomlin)
  3. "At Your Feet" (Tim Smith, Mars Hill)
  4. "Before the Throne of God Above" (Sovereign Grace)
  5. "Remedy" (Crowder)
  6. "Only Hope" (Caedmon's Call)
  7. "At the Foot of the Cross" (Joe Day, Mars Hill)

Sunday's Sermon Slides:

Don't Hoard Your Possessions (Luke 12:13-21)

  1. The Demand (v. 13)
  2. The Response (v. 14)
  3. The Caution (v. 15)
  4. The Story (vv. 16-20)
  5. The Conclusion (v. 21)

Four Warnings

  1. We must fight against greediness, as with other sins, but perhaps even more vigilantly
  2. We must realize that money is a powerful idol, one that can easily convince us that it’s the point of life
  3. We must understand that worship of this idol can easily destroy us
  4. We must utilize what God gives us for Him and His kingdom purposes and not for ourselves

Three Challenges

  1. How we think about saving
  2. How we think about retirement
  3. How we think about inheritances