Karis Church

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Read and Pray with us in 2017

Do we want to grow in His grace? The Lord has given us means to do so. He invites us to dig into His word. He calls us to approach Him in prayer. Let's commit, Karis, to doing that as a family together in 2018.

Reading Through the Bible Together

There are a number of great Bible reading plans that help you get through God's word in a year. Below are some options. Choose one with your MC or Fight Club and get started.

- Read Scripture Plan (Bible Project) - Many Karis Church people utilized this in 2017. If you utilize the app, it includes their great videos about each book.

Bible Eater Plan - This unique plan guides you through both the OT and NT at the same time, occasionally having you read longer chunks, so you can generally read shorter passages throughout the year.

Discipleship Journal Plan - This classic plan takes you through the entire Bible, reading from four different genres at the same time, while giving you 5-6 days off per month.

Definitely check out the Read Scripture app above. Also, check out apps like Reading Plan and YouVersion, which include these and many other through-the-year options.


Pray with Karis Throughout 2018

We can't possibly overestimate the importance of prayer in our lives or in the lives of those around us. Would you join us in praying for Karis Church and the expansion of the Kingdom of Christ in 2018?

We're excited to use the PrayerMate app together in the coming year. Available for both Android and iOS, it allows you to compose prayer cards. You can easily swipe through those cards on the go. I like to use it as I take walks downtown. Karis Church will be posting a prayer feed beginning with January 1st. You'll be able to add in your own categories and lists. You can also subscribe to ours and pray for Karis members, missionaries, and concerns.

Karis, pursue growth in grace together in 2018. Let's dig in His word. Let's approach Him in prayer. Together.