Coming December 1st: Born... For Us
Philippians 2:7 says that Jesus “emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.” Out of sacrificial love, He added a human nature. Jesus Christ is fully God, but He is also a man. Born to a human mother in a humble stable, He walked on earth like we do. He had a physical body. He had a mind that developed, along with his frame, just like ours. He had emotions, like sorrow and joy, that we experience, as well. He ate, drank, laughed, cried, worked, and slept. He was a man. But we shouldn’t say He had or did all of these things. He is a man. Risen from the grave, He will be one forever. A perfect, glorified man. For us.
Jesus is a man. Why? What does His manhood accomplish? How is the humanity of Christ, coupled with His deity, so important for us as believers? Join us this December and January as we consider this. He was Born. For us.