Karis Church

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Racism and Why Calling It That Is Bad, Too

Matt Chandler, the head of our Acts 29 Network, recently said this:

The Scriptures teach that there are two races: the race of the first Adam and the race of the second Adam. We are only able to find our core identity in Christ. Our different cultures carry history, traditions and legacies, but the gospel transcends all that and makes us a new people, a family.

Two races. Two heads. Calling conflict between those black or white (or other ethnicities) racism adds to the problem. It reinforces the idea that we're not the same. We are.

Also, check out this fantastic article from Thabiti Anyabwile. He writes:

The failures at racial unity are glaring. But no less glaring is the need for Christ’s work to shape and change our thinking and actions across ethnic lines now. The failures simultaneously remind us of our future hope and our present need. The fact that Sunday noon remains the most segregated hour in America teaches us that the sin of racial thinking is real (epmhasis mine).