Karis Church

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Readjusting to the States

We returned from Japan very early Friday morning. So far, jet-lag hasn't been nearly as bad as last year. I've been tired, for sure, but I haven't been sleepless in the middle of the night like last year. What a fabulous trip! I'll be posting some thoughts about the trip in the next few weeks. First, of all, let me say this: it was a very productive excursion to Japan. We met with a number of pastors and planters there. I don't think we have everything nailed down for our future involvement there, but I think we have many questions answered. Josh Rice hopes to use his history degree to teach in Japan. He and Laura met with Joseph Kim of the start-up Genesis International College. That remains a strong possibility for them. Josh will also apply to some other English-speaking colleges there. Dan and Lori Glosson, as well as Drew and Megumi Glosson, all are looking at going back to Japan to do church planting. We met some potential partnerships there, but it remains a strong possibility that we'll pioneer our own way. As Karis Church is baptistic by conviction, and we think it makes a significant difference in the health of a church, we want to do our church planting work with believers who are like-minded on that issue (although we can certainly partner at some level with our paedobaptist brothers). There are a couple of possibilities there that could work out well. We'll continue to explore those. The need in Japan is great. There are very few believers at all. Despite its economic prosperity, the people there by and large lack hope. We are excited for the future. I'll share more info in the coming days. Pray for Japan. Pray for what God could do through Karis Church there.